
Get to know our team

We are the team behind Start-A-Factory. In close collaboration with over 300 scientists from the Fraunhofer Institute for Reliability and Microintegration we turn your idea into a working prototype.

  • Ulf Oestermann

    I’m the quarterback. If you encounter technical or strategic challenges, I can help. But you have to catch the passes!

  • Alexandra Rydz

    I am something like a foreign minister: external communication, dialog with development teams and often also project management are my areas of responsibility.

  • Julia Psiorz

    I am Julia, caretaker of the production line and help startups with the technical implementation of their projects from the initial idea to the finished circuit board.

  • Claudia Brall

    I’m kind of the Home Secretary. I take care of internal communication and help you with organisational matters.

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